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Kubernetes Operators for Databases -- the Theory and Practice

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Kubernetes Operators are powerful tools to manage custom resources. Kubernetes Operator for ClickHouse, developed by Altinity, is one of the most popular operators for databases. In this talk I will explain why operator is needed, what are the main features that operator should do, and how it enables new opportunities, like building your own cloud services.

Kubernetes Operators are powerful tools to manage custom resources. Databases are complex stateful applications that does not fit well into Kubernetes model. This is where Operators help.
We will start with describing what users need to do with databases in Kubernetes, like configuring storage, network and security. Then we will explain corresponding Kubernetes mechanism. And finally we will introduce Operators, using operator for ClickHouse as an example, that implement user requirements using Kubernetes tools. Finally, we will show that operators for database open up new possibilities, that users might not think of originally, like building their our databases cloud services.