Containers in cloud - State of the Art in 2022!


In only a few years, the number of options available to run containers in the Cloud has literally exploded. Each provider now offers tens of “slightly different” services, each with its own minor trade-offs. Furthermore, running your applications in 2022 is definitely not like doing it in 2019: some of the new serverless options offer unique value propositions that shouldn’t be missed. It’s easy to get overwhelmed! This talk will categorize the various options available on AWS, Azure & GCP, focusing on what is state-of-the-art in 2022. We’ll look at Kubernetes and its evolution. Finally, we’ll explain the trade-offs between different categories from a technical and organizational standpoint. We’ll then do a deep dive with a demo on some of the new services that have been recently launched and that are quickly evolving to change the game: GCP Cloud Run, Azure Container Instances, and AWS Fargate.

The talk was revoked