Oleg Bunin
Ontiko Int.
Organizer of professional IT conferences for developers.
Highload++ Armenia 2023 canceled
Lately, planning events has become increasingly challenging.
The well-known events of September-October have greatly affected the mood of investors, businesses, and the entire IT community of Armenia.
We have made the difficult decision to cancel the Highload++ Armenia conference for 2023. This was not an easy choice for us. We made every possible effort to make it happen, but hospitable Yerevan is currently facing its own challenges. Shifting our focus to a conference that we also see as a celebration of professional interaction now seems unlikely.
We are grateful to everyone who participated in the preparation. We value your efforts and are happy to transfer your talks and tickets to other Ontico international conferences in 2024. We have plans for conferences in Cyprus, Serbia, and Germany.
For all participants and partners, we will offer a transfer or refund and will fulfill all our obligations.
We believe that we will meet again as a community in Armenia.
For any questions, please contact support@ontico.pro
Main topics
- Databases
- Video and
Streaming - Internet
of Things - Architecture
and Scalability - Enterprise
Performance - Security
- Big Data and
Learning - Infrastructure
and Platforms - System
hardware - QA, Stress
testing - Neural
networks - DevOps and
Our speakers
TOP-8 talks 2022
Info partners
- Infopartner:
Reach up to 5,000 - Logo on the conference site with a link to the partner’s page;
- 1 mention in the conference telegram channel;
- 1 free ticket for every 100 conversions from the affiliate’s traffic to the ticket purchase form;
- Special offer: buy 10 tickets and get 1 ticket for free.
- Infopartner++ :
reach 5 000 and more - Logo on the conference site with a link to the partner’s page;
- 1 mention in the email newsletter;
- 1 mention in each social media channel of the conference, including telegram;
- 1 ticket for every 100 conversions from partner traffic to the ticket purchase form;
- Special offer: buy 10 tickets and get 1 ticket for free.
Programm committee
Stay tuned
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